Help & advice
Yes, Reno is for tradespeople!
We started Reno, our home renovation and design app, to help homeowners get comparable quotes from trades, but quickly found that trades wanted many of the same planning features to use with their customers too.
Today, Reno offers Basic and Premium plans to suit the number of projects you need. Reno Premium is best for multiple projects or options.
Reno today
Reno, our home renovation app, is the missing link between Pinterest and Checkatrade.
Starting with kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms, we've built our renovation design and planning tool to guide you through key decisions, from big ones like layout to little ones like how to edge your tiles. We turn this into a neat, sharable brief that homeowners and trades can use for more realistic quotes.
Best of all, you can try it for free for one room.
Reno tomorrow
We've got big plans! You can see where we're going on our product roadmap, and see what's new on Instagram. Our top priorities:
Support for more room types
Full renovation process including payments and maintenance
Tools to discuss and track changes
Automatic estimates, shopping lists and invoices
Contact us
We're available to help, and we welcome your questions and suggestions.
Live chat
Available at the bottom right, 9am-6pm Monday-Friday UK time
Start your renovation with Reno